Safety Week Assembly

On Tuesday, I shared an assembly with years 1-6 about how to keep ourselves safe in lots of different life situations. We talked about road safety, sun safety, water safety, fire safety and even keeping ourselves safe around the house!

Year 3 visit Nab Wood

Our children had a fantastic time on their school trip to Nab Wood. We explored the village of Saltaire, Sir Titus Salt and its historic background before taking part in a forest school, led by the ‘Get Out More’ team.…

Author visit

A huge thank you to Bradford based author Deane Narayn-Lee who visited Years 1 – 6 to share his new book ‘The Loving Earth’. The book has strong messages about climate change, caring for our planet and working together. We…

Year 6 – visit Eden Camp

Year 6 loved their visit to Eden Camp to celebrate finishing their Twentieth Century Conflict History topic. They experienced the Blitz huts, experimented with some very tight air raid shelters and saw many real artefacts from World War I and…

Sun Safety Assembly

In this week’s assembly we learnt about how to keep ourselves safe in the sun. The sun has many benefits such as: providing warmth to the planet, helping us to see, providing us with essential vitamin D and releasing our…

Year 1 visit Eureka

To support our learning in history and science, Year 1 had a fantastic visit to Eureka, a science museum in Halifax. We explored the little world at Eureka, which had its own post office, bank and M&S. We really enjoyed…

Football Competition

Today, 7 children from year 6 competed in the West Yorkshire Police annual football competition. The children had 6 matches across the day and worked brilliantly as a team. They showed real sportsmanship, cheering on other players and celebrating their…

Vaisakhi Assembly

In this week’s assembly, we learnt about the Sikh celebration of Vaisahki. It takes place in April, and this is when New Year and Harvest is celebrated. We watched a video about how Sikhs prepare for and celebrate Vaisakhi, such…

Willow Bank Visit

As part of Y6’s Intergenerational Linking Project, they were visited by residents from Willow Bank Care Home. Following International Day of Happiness, they aimed to spread happiness to the residents by playing games, sharing stories and doing crafts together. The…

Active Enrichment

At the start of the spring term, Miss Hopps asked the class teachers to run some pupil voice sessions across school, which were linked to our PE and enrichment sessions. This was focused on what the children enjoyed taking part…