Welcome to our school

We are a caring and inclusive community of learners dedicated to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for children. We work hard to ensure that all pupils gain powerful knowledge, behave brilliantly and become confident community contributors.



Subjects, Phonics, Active Enrichment, Remote Education, SEND


About Beckfoot Allerton

Our staff, our Trust and our Governors



Nursery, Reception, In-year and Appeals

Beckfoot Trust

In Beckfoot Trust we understand that all healthy organisations have absolute clarity of purpose. Through precision of language, we are liberated to work together in an efficient and agile way as high performing teams. For collective efficacy to have impact, we need a shared language and understanding. To aid our clarity, we have answered 4 critical questions:

Safety Week Assembly

On Tuesday, I shared an assembly with years 1-6 about how to keep ourselves safe in lots of different life situations. We talked about road…

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Year 3 visit Nab Wood

Our children had a fantastic time on their school trip to Nab Wood. We explored the village of Saltaire, Sir Titus Salt and its historic…

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