Students at Beckfoot Allerton School have a range of difficulties within four main areas: Cognition and Learning; Communication and Interaction; Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Sensory/ Physical needs.
Main need | Number of students | Percentage of SEN | Percentage of school |
Speech, language and communication (including ASD) | 48 | 62% | 13% |
Cognition and learning | 11 | 14% | 3% |
Social, emotional and mental health | 13 | 17% | 3% |
Physical need (including visual, hearing) | 5 | 6% | 1% |
TOTAL | 77 | 20% |
If a concern around a special educational need is highlighted (by either an adult in school or a parent), the following process is followed to ensure that the child accesses the support and provision needed to maximise their chances of achieving their potential:
- A history of concerns form is completed and regularly reviewed by the SENCo
- The required initial support is put in place. This may include observations, the introduction or interventions and possible referrals to outside agencies
- If/when appropriate, a parent meeting is carried out to discuss the child’s needs and what provision is in place
- If it is appropriate, and in discussion with parents, the child will be put on the SEN register as either SEN support or SEN support +
- For those children on the SEN register, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is set up with specific targets and shared with parents
- As part of the graduated approach (assess, plan, do review), the ILP will be a working document which is regularly reviewed, updated and shared with parents at least 3 times a year
Once a potential SEND has been identified, Beckfoot Allerton will employ the graduated approach to meeting the pupil’s needs by: Establishing a clear assessment of the pupil’s needs Planning, with the pupil’s parents/carers, the interventions and support to be put in place, as well as the expected impact on progress, development and behaviour, along with a clear date for review Implementing the interventions, with the support of the SENCO Reviewing the effectiveness of the interventions, and making any necessary revisions Regular learning walks are carried out by the SENCo and the member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to ensure that the appropriate provision is in place for all students with a special educational need. Depending on the area and the level of need, this provision may vary, for further information about our offer for each area see the table at the end of this document. |
There are a number of ways that children with special educational needs will be assessed every term depending on their need:
- Children working within their year group expectations will be assessed as part of the whole school assessment method
- Children working below age related expectations will be assessed using the end of year expectations for the year group that they are working within
- Children working in the key stage below will be assessed against the pre key-stage standards
- Bespoke professional assessments will be requested by the SENCo as required e.g. Autism team/ Speech and Language/ Dyslexia/ ADHD etc
Every child on the Special Educational Needs register has an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This plan has specific, focused targets and the provision in place to support progress towards these targets.
ILPs are regularly reviewed and shared with parents (at least 3 times a year). At these times, there is an opportunity for parents to contribute to the review.
High Quality teaching:
“Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.” (SEND Code of Practice January 2015 p25)
Children’s learning needs are first and foremost met through high quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised to meet the needs of the child. Class teachers at Beckfoot Allerton have high expectations of all children. They know exactly where children with SEN are in their learning and development and plan accordingly to ensure that these children are able to access their learning and fulfil their potential.
Beckfoot Allerton is a research-informed school and we have used the best available evidence to base our curriculum on. As a result, we mostly use an explicit instruction approach. Throughout school, we use the following programmes:
- Read, Write Inc. phonics
- Talk for Writing
- Ark Mathematics Mastery
- Primary Knowledge Curriculum – (Science, Geography, History, Art)
For all children with SEND, activities are closely matched to their needs to ensure that they are able to make progress towards their targets. Considerations may be given to the activity itself, the length of the activity, the amount of adult support and the practical resources provided to support the child to complete the task.
Beckfoot Allerton is an old building dating back to the late 19th century. It has wheelchair accessible slopes to all external doors. Inside, the school building is on two floors with a lift allowing access to the top floor.
Additional support is allocated based on and closely matched to the primary need of the child. It may take a variety of forms to support needs under one or more of the following headings: cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social, emotional and mental health and sensory and physical. Support may be part of a universal offer for the whole class, targeted interventions for groups of children or bespoke, individual support depending on the level of need. At Beckfoot Allerton, there are three levels of SEN:
- SEN support
- SEN support +
- EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan)
Beckfoot Allerton School ensures that all classrooms are inclusive. Reasonable adjustments are made and all activities, both inside and outside, are accessible for all students.
At Beckfoot Allerton, every child’s well-being is at the heart of everything that we do. Relationships with class teachers are a priority and children know who they can speak to if needed. Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that all children feel valued, safe, secure and happy in class.
The SEND team at Beckfoot Allerton consists of the following members of staff:
Katie Little
Elizabeth Fletcher
Lyndsey Sunley
Janet Robertshaw
Maryanne Pegler
Early Help coordinator
Clinical lead practitioner for the Trust
SEN Interventions
In-house Training received 2021-2023:
- Basic attachment theory/styles and brain development
- SEN and the graduated approach
- Behaviour and the use of ABC logs
- Building relationships
- Encouraging independence
- Writing Individual Learning plans
- PACE approach
- Irlen’s
- Intensive Interaction
- Developing vocabulary
Bought-in training received 2021-2023:
- Autism: What is Autism
- Autism: Strategies and resources
- Autism: Supporting sensory needs/sensory circuits
- Early Years: Identification and
Assessment - Early Years: Planning and provision
- Social, Emotional and Mental
Health: SEMH in the classroom - Educational Psychology: Precision teaching
- Educational Psychology: paired reading
Training planned for 2023-24
- Multi-sensory literacy
- Promoting motivation
- Cognition & Learning: scaffolding
- Cognition and learning: task plans and visuals
- Commando Joes
- My Happy Mind
- The Story Project
Equipment and facilities required by children with SEND is provided where possible by Beckfoot Allerton School through allocated SEN funding (SEN element 2 funding and/or EHCP top up funding).
Beckfoot Allerton understand the importance of parental involvement. We ensure this by:
- Providing an annual on their child’s progress and attainment over the year
- Involving parents in the review process (at least 3 x a year) for those children with an Individual Learning Plan
- Organising an annual review for those children with an EHCP
- Regular discussions with parents of students with SEN including: weekly parent drop ins with the SENCo and Team around the child meetings
- Parent workshops/ meetings
- Meetings with the SENCo
Where appropriate, children with SEN are consulted and involved in their education. This is done through a number of methods listed below:
- Pupil voice questionnaires
- Pupil voice interviews
- Involvement in the ‘Team around the child’ – children know who their trusted adults are
- Talking mats (a visual method of identifying aspects of school and sorting onto ‘big problem’, ‘little problem’ ‘no problem)
Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the provision at school:
In the first instance, the following members of staff should be contacted:
- the class teacher
- the SENCo or a senior leader
If at this point, the complaint has not been resolved, Beckfoot Allerton’s complaints procedure should be followed.
If at this point, the complaint has not been resolved, Beckfoot Allerton’s complaints procedure should be followed.
Specialist services and expertise available or accessed at Beckfoot Allerton:
- Support from the Bradford SEN team
- SCIL team (Social Communication Interaction and Learning) – a team of Specialist Teachers, Practitioners, Access & Inclusion Officers
- Educational Psychology Team
- School nursing service
- CAMHs (Child and Adolescent Mental Heath Service)
- CDC (Child Development Centre)
Services and support for parents and families of children with SEND:
- FYI Bradford – a free, impartial service offering advice, information and signposting to children, young people and families within the Bradford district.
- Bradford SENDIASS – for parents and carers of children and young people 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Bradford area.
- TREACLE.ME – this website signpposts to all the support that can be accessed in the Bradford area.
- AWARE – a parent-run group supporting families with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum (formal diagnosis not required)
- The Hub of Hope app – the UK’s leading mental health support database
- CAMHS ((Child and Adolescent Mental Heath Service)
- The BREW project – a free service for children or young people (aged 5-17 years old to access a confidential and non-judgemental one-to-one support session via telephone, video call, face to face or walk-and-talk sessions.
Arrangements for moving between phases:
At Beckfoot Allerton, SEN support includes planning and preparation for the transition between phases of education. To support transition, school does the following:
- Shares information with the next phase/ school
- Plans activities to support a smooth transition
- Plans visits where appropriate/ possible
- Involves families and professionals where appropriate
For further information about the Beckfoot Trust SEN and Disabilities Policy please click here
Details of the Local Authority’s own Local Offer can be found at
Please see following link for information on the Bradford Admissions Team. It includes contact information and other important information that you may need.