UK City of Culture – DRAW

In our assembly about Bradford becoming the UK City of Culture we heard about DRAW!, the nationwide drawing project supported by David Hockney. Each month in 2025, a different artist is inviting us all to create a drawing inspired by…

School Council Bake Sale

The school council organised and ran a bake sale to raise money for the charity Place2Be. This charity raises money to support children’s mental health. We took part in an assembly where we learnt different strategies we can use to…

Beckfoot Trust Recruitment Event 6/3/2025

Begin Your Journey to Remarkable with Beckfoot Trust Are you passionate about making a difference in education? Join us at Beckfoot School on Thursday, 6th March, from 5:00 – 7:00pm to discover the exciting opportunities available at Beckfoot Trust. Meet staff from across…

Assembly – Week 3

Our assembly this week focussed on kindness and how this can help to combat loneliness.  Miss Blanchard read the story of ‘Mr Big’ by Ed Vere.  Mr Big felt lonely because everyone was scared of him due to his size…

Family Feedback – December 2024

Our annual parent questionnaire shows that overall, families are really happy with our school: 97% of families say their children are happy 98% of families say their children do well at Beckfoot Allerton 98% of families say that their children…

Gurupurab 2024 – Assembly

Today, Miss Blanchard talked about the Sikh festival of ‘Guru Nanak Gurpurab’ which is the birthday celebration of the founder of Sikhism – Guru Nanak.  The celebration took place over the weekend.  First, we learnt about how Guru Nanak Dev…

Nursery Stay and Play session

Nursery had their first stay and play of the year for our families this week. This stay and play was the launch of the 50 Things to do before you’re five. Our families were given information about the programme and…

Assembly – Monday 21st October

On Monday, it was this month’s ‘Confident Community Contributors’ assembly.  We found out what our pupils have been up to out of school.  We celebrated children who had been making fantastic progress in swimming, gymnastics, working hard and being kind…


Last week, our year 6 children took part in their bikeability training. All 60 children spent time learning the basics of how to ride a bike before tackling their level 1 award. All children took on the challenge with such…

Get Out More

This morning, our children had an assembly with Get out More – our local forest school provider. The assembly was all about the importance of trees within our climate and how we need to help conserve trees and nature when…