After much research, we selected and adapted the Pearson Primary History curriculum for KS1 and KS2 Beckfoot Allerton because we liked how it was sequenced and it builds on our existing EYFS curriculum for knowledge and understanding of the world. In Key Stage 1, children learn about recent history and significant history in our country and further afield. Then in Year 3 onwards history is taught in chronology when we believe that children have a better understanding of this concept. The content is challenging and as a result, we have included pre-requisite knowledge that children need to be taught first before embarking upon each unit. Each unit of work comes with a knowledge organiser, containing key vocabulary (star words) and the most important facts to be learned for the unit. Every pupil adds this to their ‘Powerful Knowledge’ folder and together we learn sections at a time.
Like many of our other subjects, lessons feature retrieval practice so that we remember previously taught knowledge and then we learn new content and apply it.
There are also trips that supplement our curriculum, such as our Y4 visit to Royal Armouries in Leeds, Y3 visit to Saltaire and Y6 visit to Eden Camp as well as visitors that we bring into school. Much of our art and DT curricular also complement our history curriculum too. For example, in specialist DT lessons, children make Tudor houses, catapults, viking long boats, medieval money chests and Anderson Shelters to bring their history to life.
Do look at our curriculum overviews to find out more about the subject.