Reception Admissions
Beckfoot Allerton Primary School is a co-educational comprehensive primary school for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years (children in Nursery start when they turn 3). The admission number, agreed with the Local Education Authority, is 60 per year group. We hold Open Days where you can come and see our school prior to your child starting in September.
Students enrolled
Admissions and Parental Choice – Nursery
We maintain a waiting list for admission to our Nursery. We admit 60 children each September into Nursery. We offer 15 hours per week and this can be taken as either morning sessions, afternoon sessions, Monday and Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning or Wednesday afternoon and Thursday and Friday all day. We offer 30 hours fully funded places.
Children attending our nursery are not guaranteed a place in reception class. A separate application must be made to the Local Authority which is responsible for allocating places in our Reception class.

Admissions Team
Please see following link for information on the Bradford Admissions Team. It includes contact information and other important information that you may need.
Admissions Arrangements:
Arrangements for children starting school
Beckfoot Allerton Primary School is a Community school and will admit 60 children into Reception every September. There is one intake each year in September. Children will normally start full time in Reception class in the September of the school year in which they will be five. Please refer to Admissions Policy for how places are allocated to children. If parents receive notice that a place has not been offered to their child, they may, if they wish, appeal to the Local Authority. Sometimes the appeals are successful. In the summer term we hold transition meetings for all existing and new families to provide information about the year ahead.