Assembly – Week 3
Our assembly this week focussed on kindness and how this can help to combat loneliness. Miss Blanchard read the story of ‘Mr Big’ by Ed Vere. Mr Big felt lonely because everyone was scared of him due to his size…
Our assembly this week focussed on kindness and how this can help to combat loneliness. Miss Blanchard read the story of ‘Mr Big’ by Ed Vere. Mr Big felt lonely because everyone was scared of him due to his size…
Our annual parent questionnaire shows that overall, families are really happy with our school: 97% of families say their children are happy 98% of families say their children do well at Beckfoot Allerton 98% of families say that their children…
On Tuesday, I shared an assembly with years 1-6 about how to keep ourselves safe in lots of different life situations. We talked about road safety, sun safety, water safety, fire safety and even keeping ourselves safe around the house!