Category News

Cycle 2: Week 6 Assembly

Mrs Walsh led our January Confident Community Contributors assembly.  Part of our school sentence is that we want every pupil to be a confident community contributor and we know that this can be shown in lots of different ways.  Some…

Cycle 2 Week 5 Assembly

We are delighted to now be a ‘My Happy Mind’ school where every class learns about good mental health.  In assembly we were introduced to Team HAP, a character that represents our brain.  H stands for hippocampus; the part of…

Year 2 Hepp DT

Year 2 have been enjoying their DT lessons with Mrs Hepp.  They have designed and made fabulous bird boxes to complement their science learning on habitats.  The children have used various tools safely to create strong, sturdy structures.  I am…

Cycle 2: Week 4 Assembly

Miss Bland led our assembly all about forgiveness.  We discussed the meaning of forgiveness.  We shared our thoughts regarding what it means to ask for forgiveness and also what it means to forgive.  Then we reflected on how it makes…

Beckfoot Allerton Staff Involved in Research

Beckfoot Allerton has a sentence of how it wants to be remembered: Beckfoot Allerton ensured that all pupils gained powerful knowledge, behaved brilliantly and became confident community contributors. As adults, we like to model our values and mission to our pupils. …

New Years Resolutions

Assembly this week focused on New Year’s Resolutions. We discussed how January is often seen as a fresh start. We looked at Miss Blanchard’s resolutions and discussed why she had picked them; we thought about which ones might be easier…

Swimming Lessons

We have just waved goodbye to our amazing swimming teacher Trudy and the lifeguard team from Kanga Sports after a fantastic 6 weeks of swimming lessons in the pop-up pool.  The children swam in small groups of 10 with the…

KS2 Firework Assembly

On Wednesday 18th October, our Safer Schools Officer PCSO Luke Oxley came to talk to our KS2 pupils about firework safety.  Sadly, every year many people are injured by fireworks so West  Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue…


On Friday 20th October, we celebrated ‘DLD day’. DLD stands for Developmental Language Disorder and it something that our SENCo, Mrs Little feels very passionately about and she often speaks about it at conferences.  The teachers had ‘facts on snacks’…