We follow a Talk for Writing (T4W) approach for teaching fiction and non-fiction writing. This is based on high-quality texts that teach children how to orally retell texts, innovate them and then independently write their own. A range of activities are purposefully designed so that children can internalise the text. Children chant stories, generate actions, perform and create new characters. Children are taught to identify the key features, practice them and then apply them in their own writing. Discrete teaching of grammar, spellings and handwriting are taught alongside T4W lessons.
Whole class reading is taught across school. This begins in the Early Years and continues throughout Key Stage 1 during planned book talk sessions. Adults model how to think like a reader, teach new vocabulary and explore questions linked to the appropriate reading domains. This is further built on in Key Stage 2, where classes follow a well-planned fiction reading spine which is complemented by a non-fiction spine linked to our History/ Geography topics.