Swimming Lessons

We have just waved goodbye to our amazing swimming teacher Trudy and the lifeguard team from Kanga Sports after a fantastic 6 weeks of swimming lessons in the pop-up pool.  The children swam in small groups of 10 with the swimming teacher, an assistant and a lifeguard.  There was no freezing water here, the pool was always heated to at least 27°C and filtered/ checked for appropriate pH levels throughout the day. 

The progress that all the children in Year 4 and Year 5 have made was absolutely fantastic.  All the children demonstrated our core value of ‘hard work’ whilst having lots of fun in the water too.  Trudy is busy writing all of the swimming certificates and they will be given out in the next ‘star of the week’ assembly. 

We have already booked the pool for next year, so don’t worry if you missed out this time, it will soon be back.